Why Do You Need to Hire an Attorney for Your Car Crash Case?You may be confused whether or not you are in need of hiring a lawyer for your auto accident case. If you are not sure if you should have an attorney on your side while dealing with insurance claims adjusters, this article may clear things up for you.
Speed Limit Increase Passed in Virginia’s General AssemblyVirginia General Assembly passed the bill which would increase the speed limit on stretches of rural interstates and less populated areas of the state from 65mph to 70mph. Some say that the speed limit increase would allow drivers to operate their vehicles with greater efficiency and allow highway traffic to move at a more uniform speed, while others argue that an increase is less efficient and would lead to more serious car accidents and injuries.
Virginia Red Light Running Automobile AccidentsRed light running is a serious offense and one of the top dangerous driving habits to other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. This article reviews some of the dangers of red light running, interesting statistics about red light running in Virginia, and cautions for safe and responsible drivers.
Avoid Aggressive Driving SituationsAggressive driving is a dangerous habit, and many individuals have been injured or killed because of getting involved in an aggressive driving situation. Tailgating, honking, gestures, excessive lane changes, and speeding are hazardous behaviors and should be avoided at all costs. Avoid other drivers who are driving aggressively and if you were the victim of a road rage incident, contact the lawyers at Whitehead & Chiocca for a complimentary review of your case.
Ten Potentially Deadly Driving Mistakes. Avoid being NegligentAvoid bad driving habits that could injure you or someone else. Contact Whitehead & Chiocca to discuss your case if someone’s negligence has injured you.
Virginia Supreme Court’s “One Free Swerve”: A Loss for Responsible DriversThe Virginia Supreme Court has ruled that police officers in Virginia must first observe erratic behavior of a driver before executing a traffic stop based on an anonymous tip. Statistics involving driving under the influence are terrifying, so why can’t citizens help police out and try to get drunk drivers off the road? This article outlines those most at risk for driving under the influence as well as presenting some statistics on the dangers of driving under the influence. If you have been injured in an accident involving an impaired driver, contact Whitehead & Chiocca today at (804) 254-5600 for a no hassle, no obligation review of your case.
Distracted Driving: A Serious EpidemicThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that distracted drivers caused 5,800 deaths and 515,000 injuries last year. Distracted driving has become a serious epidemic in this country and it just gets worse as technology gets better. Even if you are a responsible driver, you are at the mercy of those around you who may not be so cautious.
Five Major Causes of Car Crashes in VirginiaHundreds of people are killed in car crashes every year in Virginia and tens of thousands more are injured. What is the cause of all these traffic accidents? Here we present a brief overview of five major contributors to Virginia car crashes: aggressive driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding and drowsy driving. All of these negligent driving behaviors are preventable, meaning that many innocent men, women and children are killed and injured every year for no reason.